Mercurian Meta

Mercurian Meta Saturn Day
Morning Sadhana & Guru Gayatri Below
Find your Full Natal chart Here
1) Take Notes on WHERE YOU FIND VIRGO and WHERE YOU FIND GEMINI in your full chart
*Bring this to All Dharma Talks
30-60 Minutes of Cross Body Action Friday - Saturday - Sunday
"Brain scans show that meditation and running can have a somewhat similar effect on the brain; simultaneously engaging executive functions and turning down the chatter of the default mode network."
Track For Kriya
3-11 Minutes Daily
Mantra Guru Gaitri in Kundalini Lineage
Gobinday [Sustains You]
Mukanday [Liberates You]
Udaaray [Elevates You]
Apaaray [Delivers You Across]
Hareeang [Destroys All]
Kareeang [Creates All]
Nirnaamay [Beyond Category and Name]
Akaamay [Beyond Desire]
Gyan Mudra - Jupiter Finger touches thumb
Pronunciation of Mantra Word by Word
Multi-Layered Writing For Saturday June 19
Write your four greatest fears from these personal perspectives:
Then write advice in response to yourself in direct relation to these fears. You might not believe these spiritually evolved words yet in your embodiment but it’s something to envision!
Then please write your top three greatest fears that arise around society, our next generations and earth.
Then write advice in response to yourself in direct relation to these fears. You might not believe these spiritually evolved words yet in your embodiment but it’s something to envision!
Consolidate the spiritually evolved messages to self into one piece - this will help outline personal and professional code of ethics, for who you are and how you operate out in the world. It will also give you a clear language set within your meta to check in regularly. A list of ethics, in single sentence form that include action item language.
6 Pm EST
Dharma Talk
Sat Login

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Topic: Sat MM
Time: Jun 19, 2021 06:00 PM Eastern Time (US and Canada)
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